
By GeraldOchoa

Psychology Behind An Effective Modern Web Design

People in various industries, especially marketing, would say a focus on web design is needed because it “attracts a lot of customers.” And while we do get how this works from an aesthetic point of view, not everyone understands why an aesthetic perspective works in the first place. However, the impact of effective modern web design isn’t just aesthetic, it’s also psychological in nature. Our team at Pnetform Web Development will explain why in a moment.

  • Colors build personality
  • Order establishes relevance
  • Build trust with images
  • Repetition leads to consistency

Colors build personality

Color plays a huge role when it comes to establishing the kind of “connection” you want with your audience. Color theory basically allows you to assess the kind of colors you can use to evoke particular “responses” and “moods” from your audiences. This is why certain brands prioritize the usage of certain colors, symbols, shapes, and even entire palettes to influence your behavior. Web design needs to rely on the same principles to generate appeal.

  • Try to use the power of contrast to your advantage. Bright colors on dark backgrounds, or vice versa, can grab the attention of viewers. This can be important in pages such as landing pages, or relevant articles.
  • Check out which colors evoke the best responses from your readers. Red usually denotes action, passion, love, aggression, and hunger. Orange usually denotes activity, uniqueness, perkiness, and oddity. Yellow usually denotes energy. Green denotes nature and cleanliness. Blue is a cool color and works best with straightforward concepts. Try to see which colors work best for your palette.
  • Check:
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Order establishes relevance

Don’t underestimate the “order” or arrangement of things in your website. These might look minuscule and very unnoticeable, but this makes a huge difference in establishing importance across your page. Don’t overlook where the eyes go across your page, and take advantage of elements to point people towards relevant aspects of your site.

  • When using typography, be mindful of taglines, subheaders, block quotes, and headings used across blogs. These establish the “importance” of certain text across a page.
  • Use color and contrast to get the attention of your viewers. These make things look a bit more “flashy” and therefore grab the attention of readers faster.
  • Shapes and location hold huge importance in establishing proper order across your web design. These establish where your eyes should look like while touring the page. For instance, if you’re gearing towards a Japanese crowd, it might not help to build a website that prioritizes reading left to right when they likely read right to left.
  • Make good use of negative space across your page. Not only do they help eyes rest, but these help generate effective “blocks” that help the eyes “move” around the page, and even help you find which parts of a page are the most important.

Build trust with images

Trust is an essential part of getting yourself new readers and retaining your old readership. You can do this with your website not just with a good blog, but with a reliable design as well. Establish trust by making effective use of images with the rest of your website. Sometimes, pictures can convey things much better than blogs, and using the right images can make your website extremely appealing to readers.

  • Choose the kinds of images you want to use in your website. Make sure these are images you think your audiences may probably share with members of their circles and spheres of influence. Think about whether or not images you’re using are images you’d share yourself.
  • Try to assess the kinds of color schemes you use with colors – for instance, children like colors such as yellow, but men above 30 don’t seem to be too attracted to them. Try to consider these with your image choice.
  • Always include faces in images in your website. This ensures your website will give your audiences a sense of familiarity and safety with the content you put out. Faces will most likely make audiences feel secure and establish more trust with your audiences.
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Repetition leads to consistency

Consistency is a huge part of making your brand recognizable. After all, you can only really be “remembered” if you’re seen often enough somewhere. However, too much of anything can be annoying and unbearable. So how exactly do you apply this to web design? This can be done through the proper use of repetition, as this establishes consistency for your brand.

  • Instead of focusing on what segments to “repeat” in your pages, establish the kind of elements you want to consistently appear in your designs. Which shapes, colors, and font families correspond to which parts of your website? What exactly are patterns do you need to use for each kind of page? You don’t need to “repeat” things to establish repetition – just the idea that there’s a common “theme” to your web design.
  • When you start to “repeat” concepts and elements in your website, you can start “establishing” the idea of consistency of your brand to your readers’ subconscious. Seeing your “patterns” in a non-invasive and “naturally repetitive” way will have your readers start recognizing your brand in other things they see as well.

Modern Web Design: It’s All In The Head

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pay attention to web design, though. Just because something is psychological in nature doesn’t mean it’s bad. However, it’s because the appeal of aesthetics – and therefore customers – can be psychological in nature means this is another aspect of web design you should always keep in mind. When hiring companies like Pnetform Web Development Company to make your website, it’s important for you to know exactly where you’re coming from when it comes to a psychological perspective.

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